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What Weight Watchers Modernizing Means

It would be impossible to talk about weight loss in the second half of 20th-century America without talking about WeightWatchers, the support group-turned-empire. Recently, they’ve been in the news for changes in their program, which I wanted to reflect on this week. The way people think about health, wellness, eating, and exercise has changed drastically […]

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Medication for weight loss

When is Medication Helpful for Weight Loss?

Photo by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash It’s honestly never easy to broadly discuss medical options in the world of health, wellness, and weight loss. There are a lot of opinions, backgrounds, experiences, and expertises. Many individuals explore various avenues throughout their life, from diet and exercise to lifestyle modifications. However, for some, medication may […]

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The Benefits of Lipotropic Skinny Shots

In the quest for achieving weight loss and wellness goals, individuals often seek out various methods and supplements to support their efforts. One such option gaining popularity is the lipotropic skinny shot, a specialized injection formulated with a blend of nutrients purported to enhance fat metabolism, boost energy levels, and aid in weight loss. Let’s […]

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Working out for fitness and weight loss

Strength Training for Women

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash When it comes to weight loss, many women focus solely on cardio exercises like running or cycling. However, incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can be a game-changer for achieving your weight loss goals. Just like incorporating protein into a balanced diet, building some muscle mass isn’t just for body-builders on […]

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Getting a belly? Time to lose weight.

Why Weight Loss Should Take Time

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash Do you want to lose 20 pounds in a month? What about in one week? Heck, how about in one hour? While those hypotheticals seems to get crazier, one after another, they’re pretty much the same thing and it’s something I wanted to discuss this week. In the pursuit […]

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Telehealth Weight Loss Appointments

Stress and Weight Gain: Strategies for Managing Cortisol

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash Ah! AHHH! AGHHHH!!!! Are you stressed? In our world, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many, often wreaking havoc on overall well-being. What you might not realize is that stress, and more specifically, the hormone cortisol, can play a significant role in weight gain. Understanding Cortisol and Stress Cortisol, often referred to […]

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Journaling for weight loss

New Year’s Resolution Check-In

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash As February unfolds, the initial fervor of New Year’s resolutions might have waned, but fear not! It’s never too late to recommit to your health and wellness goals. This week we’re going to explore strategies to revitalize your resolutions and look at solutions for people who feel they […]

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Lessons from Football, for Weight Loss

Photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash To be honest, I don’t watch much football. But recently Nick told me a story that made me think about conversations I sometimes have with clients. In the summer of 1961, the Green Bay Packers gathered for the first day of training camp. In the previous season, they lost […]

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A Guide to Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash As we reflect on the New Year (and clean up the mess from the parties), many of us are eager to embrace a fresh start and set new health and wellness goals– including likely losing a few holiday-related pounds. However, the key to success lies not only in choosing the right resolutions […]

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nutrition supplements

The Power of Nutrition Supplements

Photo by Supliful on Unsplash In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, nutrition supplements have become a popular addition to many people’s routines. Today, let’s shed light on the who, when, and why of nutrition supplements—helping you make informed decisions about incorporating these valuable additions into your lifestyle. While we do offer supplements at […]

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