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Erasing the Pencil Lines

Journaling for weight loss
Journaling for weight loss

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

It’s becoming more well-known that celebrities hide medication (hey there, Ozempic!) or six-figure personal chefs/trainers/dietitians. In fact, part of the reason we’re called “The A-List Clinic” is to remember that everyone deserves to be treated like the best, with the best available resources. But this week I’m looking at why people hide their hard work.

For one reason or another, across fields and professions, we seem to be enamored with overtime success stories, wunderkinds, prodigies, natural talent, and the like. Unfortunately, it’s rarely ever the full story. This is doubly unfortunate with something as serious and common as weight loss struggles. 

People often love the end results, but erase the evidence of their efforts. Like an artist getting rid of sketches, drafts, and superfluous marks, people will deny, ignore, or hide their methods and path to success. This may be unavoidable on a large scale, but I’d like to change how we think about working toward a goal. We don’t just learn from success stories, we learn from actions. Let’s shed some light on this journey that remains shrouded in secrecy – the weight loss secrets that individuals choose to keep hidden, even from their friends or spouse. Let’s talk about why this happens.

Fear of Judgment: Weight loss journeys can invite scrutiny and judgment from others. Many individuals fear being criticized or misunderstood, leading them to keep their progress a secret to avoid negative comments or unsolicited advice. Because so many people have dealt with weight fluctuations, everyone has their own stories and opinions. It can be overwhelming and sometimes just not a discussion we want to invite. 

Vulnerability and Shame: The process of losing weight can uncover deeper emotions and vulnerabilities tied to body image and self-esteem. People might fear exposing these emotions, leading them to keep their progress private. Starting a weightloss journey might also be perceived as someone being unhappy when that’s not the case at all. 

Unrealistic Expectations: Social media and celebrities can often portray weight loss as a quick and effortless process. Individuals watching this might feel inadequate if their progress doesn’t match these unrealistic standards, prompting them to hide their journey from others. Someone may want to get stronger, but doesn’t need to look like a Chris Hemsworth clone and doesn’t need reminders. 

The Perfection Illusion: Some people feel pressured to project an image of perfection. Sharing a weight loss journey could make them feel vulnerable, revealing their imperfections and struggles. Again, like the musician writing a hit song, we want others to think this geniusness just poured out on the first draft– not that it was reworked a 100 times, that there were 99 worse versions before getting to this point. 

Cultural Norms: Depending on cultural backgrounds, body image and weight can carry varying degrees of significance. Cultural norms might discourage open discussions about weight loss, prompting individuals to keep their efforts hidden. We can’t make assumptions about people’s backgrounds and histories. 

Stigmatization: Weight loss discussions can unintentionally perpetuate stigmatization against those who have or haven’t embarked on similar journeys. People might hide their progress to avoid inadvertently hurting others’ feelings. Even self-deprecating jokes can offend someone else, especially if they see themselves as similar to you. 

Intrinsic Goals: Some individuals embark on a weight loss journey for personal reasons, such as health improvements or increased energy levels. They might not seek external validation or recognition, choosing to keep their progress a private matter. A desire for overall well-being over aesthetic changes can lead individuals to focus on their journey without the need for external validation or acknowledgment.

While keeping weight loss secrets hidden might offer a sense of control, it can lead to isolation. Sharing experiences with supportive communities can be emotionally rewarding and provide motivation. By keeping their progress secret, individuals might miss out on valuable advice, encouragement, and shared experiences from others who are on similar journeys.

The decision to keep weight loss secrets hidden is complex and often influenced by various personal, cultural, and societal factors. While privacy is a valid concern, it’s important to recognize the potential benefits of sharing one’s journey, including building a support network and contributing to a more open and understanding discourse around weight loss, whether it’s aided by available medication or not. Ultimately, the choice to share or keep a weight loss journey private should be made with consideration of individual comfort, goals, and the desire for both personal growth and community support.

If you’d like to get started on your journey, reach out and schedule an initial consultation today! I look forward to meeting my new A-Listers!

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Czarina Enriquez