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Staying Healthy Before the Thanksgiving Feast

A Healthy Meal To Lose Weight
A Healthy Meal To Lose Weight

Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash

Thanksgiving, the ultimate foodie holiday, is just around the corner. While we all eagerly anticipate the glorious turkey, the creamy mashed potatoes, and the tantalizing pies, it’s essential to prepare our bodies for the culinary adventure ahead. So, let’s talk turkey and explore some practical tips to stay healthy before the Thanksgiving Day feast!

1. Turkey Trot Training

Before you dive into a mountain of mashed potatoes, consider a pre-Thanksgiving turkey trot. No, you don’t need to run a 10k in the morning. A leisurely stroll around your neighborhood will do you good, mentally and physically. A little exercise can go a long way in priming your metabolism for the impending food coma.

2. Hydration Proclamation

Water, folks! Stay hydrated like it’s your job. Hydration can help curb your appetite, so guzzle that H2O like it’s gravy. Just don’t overdo it; you’ll need room for pie later.

3. Veggie Rehearsal

Think of it as a warm-up act for your taste buds. Incorporate some veggies into your meals leading up to the big day. Get those taste buds in the mood for the Thanksgiving veggie sides and use the days before Thanksgiving to experiment with dishes you could try out for guests.

4. Chew Like You Mean It

We’re not in a race here, folks! Slow down and chew your food. Give your brain some time to catch up with your stomach and send those “I’m full” signals. I know everything looks good, but remind yourself that there will be enough food and time your time.

5. Small Plates, Big Illusions

Use smaller plates and utensils during your pre-Thanksgiving meals (and on the day of). It’s a little trick that makes you think you’re eating more than you actually are. Plus, it’s cute.

6. The Pre-Thanksgiving Snack

Before you go full-on feast mode, snack on something healthy the night before and in the morning. A handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or a yogurt parfait can help prevent a pre-feast hunger frenzy.

7. Share the Cooking Joy

Thanksgiving is about togetherness, right? So, why not share the cooking duties? Get the family involved in meal prep. It’s a fantastic way to bond, and it’ll give you a chance to nibble on veggies and set a good example!

8. A Side of Laughter

Let’s not forget about mental health. Laugh a lot. It’s good for your soul, and it can burn some calories too. In the kitchen or at the table, surround yourself with the funniest people you know.

9. The “Just One” Philosophy

When Thanksgiving goodies start to make an early appearance, the “just one” rule comes into play. As in, “I’ll just have one bite.” Spoiler alert: that’s a lie we tell ourselves, but it sounds good, doesn’t it?

10. Get Moving Later

Once you’ve had your fill of turkey and trimmings, it’s easy to fall asleep (see: the “itis”). Instead, fight this urge, turn up the tunes and dance. Shake off those extra calories with your loved ones and cheer loudly for whoever is playing football outside.

In conclusion, while Thanksgiving is a time for indulgence, a little pre-feast preparation can help you stay healthy and enjoy the feast to the fullest. Gobble, gobble, and enjoy the day, my A-Listers!

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Czarina Enriquez